Water Will Win

Just puttin' it out there.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Sorry it has taken so long for me to post. I have been spending my free time (and by "free time" I mean "time I spend bored at work") applying for jobs. No, I'm not getting fired to for blogging at work. My current position is not a permanent one and there is a chance it will be ending soon. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a bad employee, I just don't have enough to do. Looking for a job has really been taking it out of me. I can't even get arrested in this town. I have loads of skills (duh!) but I'm having a terrible time finding gainful employment. I'm really starting to believe those girls in sixth grade that said I suck. I could wallow in my own self-pity for longer, but I'll cut it short because I'm even starting to bore myself.

Today is Halloween! I love Halloween. I kind of get the feeling that Halloween has become the new Columbus Day. By that I mean that people are politicizing it and some people are taking a moral stance against it. I am totally perplexed as to why. When I was younger, it seemed to me that everyone celebrated Halloween. But each year, I hear more and more people mention "We don't celebrate Halloween!" There is this super Christian woman that I work with, and she and her preacher husband honestly believe that it is Satan's Day. They go to church on Halloween, presumably to pray for us sinners who are out trick-or-treating. As if dressing up like a pirate or a slutty nurse, and eating too much candy honors the dark lord in some way. I think that these people really think that there are droves of people out there in black hoods killing babies in the name of the devil. I have never met anyone who claims to be a Satan worshiper. And so what if they were? Umm, Satan is not real you numbskulls! Nothing is going to happen if you draw a pentagram on the ground and chant around it for a few hours. You may as well worship the tooth fairy, at least your mom will leave quarter under your pillow. I think that Satan worshipers are an urban myth that was drummed up to scare people into behaving themselves. I'm sure that are a lot of people out there who like the idea of being a druid, or a witch, but considering these people never posses any real magical powers, maybe we could just let them be. Maybe we could all unite for this one day, to celebrate the idea of fantasy. We could all put aside our religious differences. We could visit our neighbors, maybe give a small treat to people who stop by. Maybe we could even dress up in costumes a pretend to be things that we will never get to be in real life. Wouldn't it be great if there was a holiday like that? Oh, wait, THERE IS!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Breathe In, Vent Out

This weekend, huzzy and I watched the movie Friends with Money. Overall, I liked the movie (I think). It had a great cast. I think Catherine Keener, Frances McDormand and Joan Cusak are great character actresses. I even respect Jennifer Anniston, despite some of her project choices. Having said that, there are some things about this movie that I’m just not buying into, and they are as follows:

1) There is no way that a beautiful white woman living in L.A., no matter how poor she is or how low her self esteem is, would work as a maid. It would be far more likely that her character would be waiting tables, or even stripping.
2) It was never established how these women knew each other. Were they college buddies? No, because they are clearly not the same age. Did they all work together at some point? They never reveal the connection and it just makes their friendships seem very unlikely.
3) There is no way that a beautiful woman (and they didn’t do much to dumb down Jennifer Anniston’s looks) would date that guy that Jennifer Anniston started dating at the end of the movie. We all know that a guy doesn’t have to be gorgeous to be loveable. But that guy she started dating was just greasy and dirty. And she knew it because she cleaned his gross house. I don’t care how rich he is or how low her self esteem is, it just wouldn’t happen. It makes me think that perhaps this movie would have been better, had someone less good looking been cast in Jennifer Anniston’s part.
4) Were we supposed to believe that since the greasy dude at the end of the movie was rich, that everything was going to end up alright for Jennifer Anniston’s character? I’m totally confused about the message of this movie. I think it would have been better if she had just met a nice guy that was like her. Someone who isn’t rich, but loved her and was supportive. That way, the movie could have reinforced that fact that happiness is not about having money. The way it ended, it seemed like it was saying that every woman who is depressed should go out and find someone who is rich and use them so that they can compete with their friends.
5) I thought the guy who played Frances McDormand’s gay-ish husband, was Christopher Guest playing a British version of his Corky St. Clair character from Waiting for Guffman. It made it a little difficult to take that character seriously.

Whew. Glad I got that off my chest.

What’s making me happy today:
Pomegranates - They are like little rubies filled with nature’s Hawaiian Punch.

What’s annoying me today:
The gay advertisements on perezhilton.com - I like my celebrity gossip minus the half naked, overly muscular men, in tight shorts, with their legs spread. Perez is gay. I get that. I like it when he writes about gay celebs and talks about gay issues. I love the gays and I’m all for them. But for the love of God, it’s disturbing to have men’s crotches pop out when I’m trying to eat my cereal in the morning. Also, sometimes I’m reading the column from work (We’ve already established that I’m VERY bored at work) and I’m scared to death that someone will walk by my desk and catch a glimpse of the pubic parade on my screen.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Like A Sore Thumb

Last night, Henry and I attended our first Neighborhood Association meeting. We have lived in this neighborhood for over a year and half, but this was the first meeting that we have ever made it to. I went to voice my support of the proposed skate park across the street from our house. Henry went because he’s only two years old and I won’t let him stay home by himself yet. I was expecting a room full of people, squished together in rows of benches, or perhaps piled high on stadium seating in a giant gymnasium. There would be another few people standing at podiums, or sitting behind desks at the front of the room, the one in the center banging a gavel shouting “QUIET!”. It would be just like the city council meetings on public TV. The people would be voting “yay” or “nay”, on the issues of the day. Irate citizens would be yelling and shaking their fists, demanding action on their issue. We would blend into the crowd and eat teddy grahams. No one will notice us.

Cut to reality.

We walk into a classroom no larger than a one car garage. The room contains a bunch of smallish folding tables that have been pushed together to mimic one large conference room table. There are some old computers on student sized desks pushed and against one wall and some battered book shelves stocked with knitting supplies on the opposite wall. No one is there. We are the first to arrive. We seat ourselves at the far end of the table. Slowly, a few people enter. By the time the meeting begins, five people plus the two of us have shown up. No one is under the age of 55, except us. Everyone there except us, and one other person, are on the board of the Neighborhood Association. They greeted us warmly. They are happy to have someone show interest in what they are doing. Then, the only other person who is not actually on the board, launches into a 40 minute diatribe about the business across the street from his house and how they don’t take care of their property. It is determined that the property in question is actually located in the next county over, but that doesn’t stop him. He wants the mayor to get involved. Why should he have to look at this everyday? More threats, more insults, ten years he’s been complaining. BOOORRRRRIIINGGG. If Henry wasn’t making so much noise, I think I would have fallen asleep. Actually, Henry was pretty good, considering his age. And, I never could have fallen asleep in there because, as the new people in the room, all eyes were on us. They smiled politely as Henry repeatedly kicked the table and blurted out words like “MAMA” and “CANDY”.

It turns out that I was a bit misled. This meeting was not really to debate the building of a skate park in our neighborhood. In the last meeting, Dominic, a fifteen year old kid from the neighborhood, had proposed the idea of building a skate park to the board. They humored him by putting it on the agenda and agreed with him that it was a good idea. But considering they have no real power to put up any structures on city property nor do they have any money to fund the project, it is all just a grand idea that will probably never happen anyway. I stated my case for the skate park anyway. Mind you, I had to do it on my knees from under the table where I was chasing Henry, but I made a good argument nonetheless. They begged me to come back the next time. “It’s so nice to see a young person who cares” they said. I promised I would come back. I always wanted to be one of those people who joins a cause and gets involved. Maybe next time I can bring a gavel.....

A shout out to my hot hubby for filling up my shuffle with new tunes. I'm really enjoying them. I'm especially loving the Paul Simon and the Hall & Oates.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Let It Snow

Today was the first snow of the season here in Denver. I wouldn’t mind so much if I didn’t have to drive in it. But, I do have to drive home in rush hour traffic so today’s snowstorm is a pain in the ass. It’s making me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and some cocoa and watch a movie, not sit at a desk dreading the drive home. I can only hope that my relatively new XM Satelite radio will make the drive home pass more quickly than FM radio ever did. (Note to self: Write scathing letter to CNN about putting that obnoxious Glenn Beck on Headline News at the time when I’m driving home at night and want some.....what do you call it.....hmmmm.......headline news?

I think I’m emotionally ready for winter. I’m tired of being hot, wearing sunscreen and pulling weeds. But the traffic, that is something that the mind tends to block out when remembering the frost filled good times. I’m excited for boots and scarves. I love soup, and Halloween and Thanksgiving. I love autumn colors with the deep reds, oranges and browns. I love the trees blowing down leaves like they are giant pieces of glitter in party invitation sent specially to me. I love Christmas time with its delicious foods, rich cinnamon smells, fancy parties and unexpected presents. Oh winter, my old friend, welcome home. All I ask in return for my love is that you not rain down your flakes between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM and again from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Drop One

Okay. I have to do it. I’m way too bored to just sit here and stare at my cubicle walls anymore. And I’ve already read perezhilton.com three times. I must write. Drum roll please......

Here is my first blog:

Don’t expect a lot. This is my first blog in more than a year. Regretfully, I still do not have a camera phone, so for the time being, this blog will not have visual aids. But don’t you worry little darlinz, I will be gettin’ one for Christmas.

Let’s discuss my favorite topic: celebrities. Let’s refer to them from this point on as celebretards (Thx Perez). Last week I was in Orange County. I had lunch in Laguna and was obsessed with seeing one of the “stars” of Laguna Beach. No luck though. They probably don’t hang out at the cheesy tourist joints that middle-americans like me frequent. We did drive by the courts where the boys play basketball. That was sort-of exciting. The best part was driving down the PCH (don’t I sound cool?) and belting out the theme song. “Let the rain fall down, on my face. Let it wash away my” blah blah. You get the idea. My husband, who is significantly more mature than I am, was mortified.

Let’s see, what else....

Tonight, I’m going to the grocery store with the fam. We have a long list of things to get since we were in the O.C. last week (still sounding cool) so all the food in our fridge is past its prime. Baby Henry, who’s not really a baby anymore, is going through a cereal phase. His sitter told me that yesterday he ate four bowls of cereal. I swear, that kid eats more than I do. I think I’m going to make more green chili this weekend. As well as potato soup. Since the weather here in Denver has been so chilly, I feel that some autumn-esque food is in order.

The things that I have been obsessing about buying lately, are as follows:
1) Big, fancy, leather, designer hobo back in a jewel tone like burgundy or pumpkin.
2) Knee high boots with wooden heals in an unexpected color.
3) The aforementioned picture phone. (Please don’t email me to tell me how behind the times I am. I already know how behind the times I am.)
4) Knickers

Whew. That was a great way to kill the last twenty minutes of an exceptionally boring work day. Tomorrow’s forecast is equally dull, so I might be back. I think I’ll talk about my co-workers. I’m already mentally formulating a brief synopsis on each of them.