Water Will Win

Just puttin' it out there.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm Back!

Dually inspired by my dear friend 32 Entropy Lane, and David Sedaris, I'm getting back together with my blog.

Two years ago, my blog and I broke up. We didn't have a fight or anything, I just got kind of tired him. And by "him", I mean myself. I got tired of writing about myself. It started to become a job. It was just another responsibility, another being to be nursed and coddled. And, lord knows I have enough of those (Hi kids!). But my BFF's move to blogspot, and David Sedaris' hilarious book When You are Engulfed in Flames have sent me crawling back to my former love. My adoration for the art of words has been reignited.
The other day that movie "American Beauty" was on cable. I just caught the part where the teenage boy says "Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in." That is how I've been feeling lately. Not like everything is perfect, but that there is beauty in the mundane, and sometimes even in the gross. Today I was on the bus and this man, who I presume to be homeless, got on. I smelled the urine before I saw him. He sat right across from me. I shoved by coffee cup against my nose to block the smell. I looked down as to not engage him with eye contact. And what do I see? I pair of shiny, glittery, silver sneakers. Bless his heart, he was rockin' it the best way he knew how. Happiness is everywhere, you just have to look for it, even if it means holding your nose.


Blogger Emily said...

You make me happy. Welcome back, bitch. The interwebs missed you.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Claire said...


1:37 PM  

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