Water Will Win

Just puttin' it out there.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Charlie Brown

It is often difficult to be creative under the fluorescent glow of office lighting. Especially when I am constantly having to look behind me to make sure that none of the office spies can me on the internet (Damn you and your crotch shots Lindsay Lohan!) I’m only telling you this so that you might go easy on me and spelling/grammar mistakes. I am not a professional writer. I am not a professional anything.....boo hoo.

Something great happened to me. I got a camera phone for Christmas! I just downloaded the Charlie Brown Christmas theme song as my ringer. Christmas time is here. La la la la la la. Yay! Huzzy and Henry gave it to me early because my contract was about to expire and I didn’t want to be phone-less. “Phone-less”.....kind of sounds like “homeless”....very sad state to be in. Anyhoo, I can take pictures now. If I can figure out how to download it (or is that upload?), I’m going to post my first original picture to accompany this entry. I found this tree under Maple Nut Goodies desk. It was suffocating underneath three pounds of various colored tinsel, and some card board cut outs of Santa and Mistletoe. It kept falling down so one of the other office ladies and I popped it into a paper cup and covered the cup up with tinsel. It still tips over sometimes for no reason. I like this picture because there is something vaguely sad about it. Trees don’t grow under fluorescent lighting either.

A holiday shout out to my wonderful cousins. Especially you Charlie Brown (you know who you are).


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