Water Will Win

Just puttin' it out there.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Don't Cry For Me Argentina

It’s another super boring day at work today. What is it about life that makes some days so busy that you barely have time to pee (I’m talking to you Election Day) and on other days the time drags on like a coat caught in a car door. You know I’m bored when I start talking about the weather. Speaking of which, it looks very windy out right now. I keep seeing conflicting reports, some of which warn of snow, others say dry and windy all day. My co-worker (one of the ones that I like) just went for a walk. She had these strange things on that she referred to as “ear sweaters”. They are like these little kidney shaped caps, that are made out of the same fabric as a Mickey Mouse hats, that you hang on your ears and snap into place like an old fashioned coin purse. They did not look comfy, but she swears they are. Huh....

The only excitement that I can hope for today is that Lindsay Lohan went out and got drunk last night and did something stupid.

Is it lunch time yet?

Anyhoo- I’m premiering my new thrift store suspenders today. So far, so good. They required a little adjustment this morning, as they were set too small and kept snapping loose, but I think I have it right now. If I had a cell phone that takes pictures, I could show you how cute they are, but since I don’t, you’re just going to have to use your imagination. Can someone single-handedly bring a dormant item back into fashion? Will someone see my suspenders today and buy their own pair? Will that person in-turn inspire others? Oh, wait, I think someone in the Ann Taylor catalog that arrived at my house last month (unsolicited), was wearing suspenders. Never mind. I guess the trend has already come and gone. If I know about it, it’s already over. I am the grim reaper of fashion. Don’t cry for me Argentina.


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